Alternatives to Styrofoam
What is Styrofoam
Styrofoam is a disposable product made of polystyrene, which is a petroleum-based plastic. Styrofoam is made through a process of heating and cooling. This process enables the Styrofoam to break down when used in the microwave. Once the product breaks down, plastic can leech into your food and get into your body.
While Styrofoam has certainly carved out a place for itself in modern-day society, there are ways to avoid this harmful product. Standard alternatives include paper and cardboard. These products can be recycled and have less of an impact on the environment. But there are other, more innovative alternatives as well.
Organic Alternatives
New York-based Ecovative has developed a unique alternative to Styrofoam. The company makes organic packing that serve as alternatives for Styrofoam. These products are made from a combination of fungus, recycled paper and agricultural waste. The combination may sound odd, but the result is an eco-friendly packaging alternative.
Sugar Cane
Plant fibers, such as those derived from sugar cane, can be used to make alternatives to Styrofoam. Sugar cane products include bowls, plates and to-go containers. These products are sustainable and environmentally friendly, as they can be fully composted. They can be used to serve both hot and cold foods.
Corn or potato starch is used to make a product that looks and holds up very similar to plastic. The starch replaces the petroleum used in standard plastic products. This enables the product to biodegrade in approximately six months. Corn and potato starch products include to-go containers and cups.
Reusable Containers
There is a very simple alternative to Styrofoam that has been around for decades -- the reusable container. Instead of using a Styrofoam cup from the coffee shop, bring your own to-go mug. Instead of using Styrofoam plates, consider using reusable plates. In the long run, you will save money and the environment.