4 Sources of Renewable Energy
What Is Renewable Energy?
Renewable energy is any form of power that is derived from a source that cannot be depleted. Wind, solar, geothermal and tidal are examples of renewable energy.
The use of renewable energy has several environmental, economic and societal benefits. Renewable energy sources do not require the use of fossil fuels and, as a result, they do not emit carbon dioxide. By reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that goes into the atmosphere, we are eliminating pollution and increasing our air quality.
Wind energy is a common form of renewable energy. Wind turbines harness the power of offshore or land-based wind and convert it to electricity.
Solar panels allow us to use the immense power of the sun to heat and illuminate our homes. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells and can be applied to roofs and even cars to transfer sunlight to electricity.
The Earth's core stores an abundance of heat. Geothermal power allows us to use the heat generated by the Earth and pull it up to the surface using pumps. Geothermal heating is increasing in popularity throughout the United States and beyond.
The Earth is made up of 70 percent water. Think of how much power that many waves can produce. Tidal power uses the natural ebb and flow of the waves to make electricity.