How to Make a Gas Mask
Things You'll Need
- Paper bag
- Toilet-paper tube
- Cardboard box
- CPU fan
- 3.5 -inch cleaning floppy disk
- CD case
- Duct tape
- Plastic tube (optional)
Cut a square hole in the paper bag, slightly smaller than the size of the CD case. Remove the transparent side of the case, and tape it securely over the hole. This will form the gas mask hood, with a window to see through.
Make the filter cover from the cardboard box. Cut four trapezoidal shapes, somewhat wider than the case fan on the long end and as wide as the diameter of the toilet-paper tube on the narrow end. Tape them together to form a four-sided funnel, and tape the toilet-paper tube onto the small end of it.
Remove the plastic case from the cleaner floppy, and tape the round disk to the top of the fan in such a way that the airflow is directed toward the disk. Tape over the hole in the center of the disk. Insert the fan and disk into the funnel, disk-side first. Seal and secure with tape.
Cut a round hole in the paper bag beneath the window. Fit the small end of the filter into it and tape it on. For added cosmetic effect, tape both ends of a two- to three-foot plastic tube to the sides of the upper part of the funnel, with the tube looping around behind the wearer's head.
To use the gas mask, put the paper bag over your head, looking out through the window. Attach two 9-volt batteries to the wires powering the fan to turn it on. This will blow air through the filtering disk and into the mask so that you can breathe. Tape the edge of the bag to your shoulders for added security.