Three Methods of Pesticide Waste Disposal
Rinse Water
Rinse water used to clean pesticide barrels and bags has dangerous potential, as it can contaminate ground water and streams it comes in contact with. There are some general rules for rinse water. Do not drain rinse water into the ground or septic tanks. Also, do not drain rinse water into ditches or streams, and do not bury it. Instead, use rinse water to dilute pesticide formulation, and apply the rinse water to a federally approved dumping area, also called a federally labeled site.
Empty Containers
Pesticides generally come packaged in bags or barrels. If it is in a bag, it can be shaken clean and legally buried in a sanitary field. Empty drums should be pressure rinsed, or triple rinsed, before disposals. To triple-rinse, empty the container, refill the container a one-fourth to one-fifth full, and rinse thoroughly. Keep the rinse water and dispose as above.
Excess Mixture
Diluted pesticide left over in your spray tank is the most difficult pesticide variety to dispose. Try to measure exactly how much pesticide you need for any spray, as the only way to dispose of excess mixture is to bury it in a labeled site.