What Are Different Ways That People Waste Water?
Many people waste water by not dealing with leaks properly. A good way to check for leaks is to check the water meter, then refrain from using water for a few hours. If the water meter changes in that time, there is a leak.
Leaving the Water Running
Some people waste water by running water to get it hot or cold. Other people waste it by running water while washing dishes or brushing teeth.
Running dishwashers and washing machines that are not full wastes water. Running permanent-press cycles, which rinse clothes a second time, wastes another 5 gallons of water per load. Energy Star-rated appliances typically use 25 percent less water than normal appliances.
Many people water their lawns when they do not need the water. Furthermore, they do not give their lawns or plants a good soaking when they do water them, and much of the water evaporates before the plants can use it.
Faucets and Toilets
Shower heads typically put out 5 to 8 gallons of water per minute, so longer showers waste considerably more water. Toilets use about 8 to 10 gallons per flush.