How to Use Soda Ash
Used as a water softener, the soda ash gives the water an alkaline taste. This process is used in buildings every day to soften the hard water and can be added to the laundry wash cycle.
Combined with calcium carbonate, sand and heated at high temperatures and cooled, the soda ash is used to make glass.
Adding soda ash to a pool or hot tub that has a high pH level will reduce the pH in the pool. This helps stabilize the alkaline levels.
Making German pretzels requires using soda ash. Instead of using sodium hydroxide, soda ash is substituted for lying. This improves the browning of the pretzel.
Use soda ash for removing flesh, as is done by a taxidermist. The ash is added to boiling water, and then the bones and skulls of trophy catches are added to remove the flesh.
Use soda ash as a conductor as a chemist would do. The ash is used in the electrolysis process. The ash is not corrosive as the chloride ions are when used. This process should only be done by a chemist or in a school classroom under supervision.
Use the soda ash for tie dying. The soda ash is recommended to insure that the dye properly bonds with the fabric.
Use soda ash as an additive in baking. It is used as a stabilizer, raising agent and an anti-caking agent.
Use soda ash mixed with water in a spray bottle to remove mold from wood surfaces as well as other materials.
Brush your teeth with toothpaste that uses soda ash as an additive. The ash is a foaming agent that can increase the pH level in the mouth.