About Mildew Growth
Mildew is a mold that requires several conditions for optimal growth. It grows in high levels of humidity. A relative humidity of 70 percent to 93 percent creates the perfect environment for mildew to thrive. Additionally, temperatures of 77 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit encourage mildew growth, as do acidic conditions and oxygen.
Where It Grows
Mildew thrives on organic matter. This includes items such as newspaper and food. Because high humidity levels support mildew growth, mildew often is found in bathrooms, around windowsills and basements that are not properly sealed.
A common sign of mildew is discoloration. The discoloration can appear on walls, ceilings or other areas of a home. However, mildew can be found even without this discoloration. Homes that have a musty odor also may have a mildew problem, even if the mildew is in a place that is not readily visible. If a mildew problem is suspected, it's best to address it right away because mildew grows quickly once it is established.
Because there are many types of mildew, has various appearances, The mildew can appear grainy or it can be cotton-like in appearance. Colors also vary, with green, black, yellow and brown all being common. Black mildew is often considered to be the most hazardous to health.
Mildew is extremely common. Recent studies revealed as many as 50 percent of homes have at least some mildew, and that mildew is present on 88 percent of windowsills and 49 percent of shower grout.
Health Hazards
Mildew can be hazardous to an individual's health because mildew spores can enter the respiratory system and eventually make their way to the bloodstream. Mildew exposure can cause digestive problems, rashes, vomiting, seizures and even a heart attack. It is possible to have a professional test a home for mildew if any of these symptoms are present, and although removing mildew from a home can be costly, it is worth doing if it means preserving your well-being.