How Do Plastic Bags Affect the Environment?
Creating plastic bags allows chemical waste to become mingled with domestic sewage, because it isn't economically feasible to treat the waste separately. These chemicals pollute streams, bays and oceans when treated sewage is released into local bodies of water. Sewage treatment plants are equipped to handle these wastes.
Roadway Litter
Plastic bags are lightweight and often get caught in the wind, creating eye sores by getting hung up in the trees. On the ground, they can block rainwater and block light from getting to emerging plants.
Marine Litter
Marine animals frequently ingest plastic bags accidentally. A recent United Nations Environmental Programme report estimated approximately 95 percent of seabirds have plastic in their stomachs. Sea turtles mistake plastic bags for jelly fish.
Plastic doesn't degrade quickly, and landfilling plastic bags means more space is taken up. It also poses a threat to animals who live at the landfills such as birds, mice and raccoons. These animals may ingest bits of plastic bags or become entangled in them.
Burning plastic bags releases toxins into the atmosphere, creating pollution.