What Plastics Are Recyclable?
Number 1
A number 1 on the bottom of a plastic product means it is polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE). It is recyclable through curbside programs and recycling facilities. A number "1" can be found on soft drink bottles, juice bottles and water bottles. It does not leach.
Number 2
A number 2 refers to high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and it is easily recyclable by curbside programs and recycling facilities. It does not leach, and it is found on the bottom of shampoo bottles and milk jugs.
Number 3
A number 3 is vinyl or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This plastic is the least favorable and is not recyclable by any means. It can leach toxic chemicals and release harmful gases into the air. Examples are shower curtains, spray bottles, detergent bottles, children's toys and some cling wraps.
Number 4
A number 4 refers to low-density polyethylene (LDPE). This is found in shopping bags, baby bottles, some cling wraps and reusable food containers. This plastic has not been found to leach and is recyclable at most recycling facilities, but not often in curbside programs. Plastic shopping bags can be returned to grocery stores for recycling.
Number 5
A number 5 stands for polypropylene (PP). Some baby bottles, yogurt containers and reusable food containers fall into this category. It does not leach and is recyclable in recycling facilities and often in curbside programs.
Number 6
A number 6 means polystyrene (PS). This plastic is found in egg containers, plastic cutlery and food takeout containers. It can leach toxic styrene and has been banned in certain cities. Some recycling facilities will accept this plastic, but most curbside programs will not.