Methods of Waste Disposal
Prevention and Reduction
The best method of managing waste is prevention and reduction, which can be achieved in a number of ways like recycling and making use of secondhand items.
Energy Recovery
Energy recovery is a promising form of waste disposal. It works by recycling some forms of waste into a fuel source for heating, cooking and powering turbines.
Biological Reprocessing
Biological reprocessing methods such as composting can be used for organic waste like food, paper and plant material.
Sanitary Landfill
Sanitary landfill disposal is convenient but may experience a lot of growth and require manpower to maintain.
In Japan, incineration is popular due to the minimal land available for disposal, but there is some concern about the release of micro-pollutants like dioxins from incinerator stacks.
Ocean Dumping
Controversy surrounds ocean dumping as a waste disposal method. Although the waste may provide nutrients for some sea life, it's widely believed that the harmful effects would outweigh any benefits.