Health Risks of Radon
What is Radon?
Radon is a gas that is a product of the breakdown of a naturally occurring component of soil called uranium. Because uranium is found in rocks and soil, the product of its breakdown, Radon, is found in soil, rocks, shale, granite, natural gas, and even water. Radon, can cause cancer and its particularly harmful because it cannot be detected by our senses; it is invisible, odorless, and tasteless.
Radon Exposure
Because Radon is a gas it can easily seep through porous walls, cracks in building materials. Radon is extremely dangerous because once it is inside a house, building, or structure it will remain trapped increasing the harmful effects to those in the dwelling. A common misconception is that only older buildings contain Radon but it can be found in even the newest homes, schools, and other buildings.
Heath Risks
The most common is health risk associated with Radon exposure is lung cancer. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer proceeded only by smoking. If a smoker lives or works in a dwelling that also is contaminated by Radon, their risk of lung cancer is doubled.
The EPA recommends that every building be professionally tested for Radon. If unsafe levels of Radon are detected it can be vented from the building. There are also in-home Radon detectors that can be used.
When having a professional inspect your home, office, or school it is important to retain the services of a reputable company to ensure the gas is properly vented out of the building.