About Alternative Fossil Fuel Resources
As we explore these alternative fuels, we can just look back at our own history to see that this is an area we have explored in the past. Cars of the past were equally powered with what we would consider "alternative" today. The preferred power back in the late 1800s and early 1900s was steam power. It is reported that the fastest cars on the road in that day were steam-powered. There were also electric cars, which were considered the cleanest and quietest (though also the slowest) car. The type of fuel that was the least popular back then was the gasoline-powered car. They were loud, dirty and quite noisy. Now those gasoline-powered cars are emitting pollutants and chemicals into the air that we are breathing in.
These techniques will help to reduce the pollutants that are emitted when coal is burned. If we invest in other forms of fuel and energy resources, we can solidify our future and not be dependent on either foreign or domestic oil. The ability to decrease toxins into our atmosphere will improve the quality of our air. This cycle will also enable us to produce healthy foods as the soil will also be less toxic.
The East Coast and the Plains area of the United States are great areas to explore regarding windmill power. It is estimated that a light breeze of just 5 miles per hour can produce enough energy to turn the windmill. This rotation then can be used to generate electricity. When thinking about biomass, any area where we can grow hemp or corn can be considered.
Creating clean coal-burning technology will generate thousands of new jobs for our economy. It will employ workers who are designing the machines, it will employ instructors to teach how to operate the machines and it will employ those who will eventually run the machines. The production of windmills also helps to stimulate our economy. All of these areas of alternative fuels are being explored and their implementation is being studied. There are already farmers in the Midwest who are planting corn for ethanol, and windmills are already used for energy in San Gorgonio, California.
One of the alternative fuels considered is biomass. Biomass refers to a plant that is grown to use as biofuel, but can also refer to plant or animal matter used to produce chemicals or heat. These plants include hemp, corn, sugarcane and others. Production of ethanol from corn is most likely the most recognizable of the alternative fuels to be explored. Although coal is a fossil fuel, the alternative to using this fuel is the production of clean-coal burning techniques.
Biodiesel is another recognizable fuel alternative. This type of fuel is produced from sustainable renewable plant oils, animal fats and some forms of recycled grease. Because these plants and animals are a form of sustainable agriculture, this type of fuel provides for a healthy economy, because biodiesel drastically reduces destructive emissions into our atmosphere. It is also important for us to harness the natural resources we have available in the wind. With windmills able to produce energy through electricity, we are using a resource that is renewable and economical. This resource is on of the most eco-friendly ways for us to produce a usable and storable supply of energy.
There are many benefits to perfecting alternatives to fossil fuels. Whether we invest in electric cars, ethanol or biodiesel, the reduction of our dependency on our world's non-renewable resources is much needed. The practicality of using the alternatives such as biodiesel and windmills is exceptional. Windmills are inexpensive to manufacture and maintain. You could even build your own.
Expert Insight
Although the experts may be divided on whether emissions from petroleum or from burning coal are actually causing global warming, they are all in agreement that we need alternative fuel resources. We are depleting the earth of its natural resources, and these resources cannot be replaced. If we continue to rely on resources that will eventually give out, we will be unable to run our cars or heat our homes, but more importantly, we will also be unable to sustain our military forces, our production factories and most of what financially sustains America. These alternative fuel resource will allow us to have cleaner air and help to sustain our work force by creating new and innovative ways to produce alternative fuel resources.