How to Help Keep Our Air Clean
We can all do our part to keep our air clean. If we all do a little bit to help, it can have a huge impact. Here are some simple things you can do or changes you can make to help keep our air clean.Instructions
Take your bike to work! National Bike to Work Day is May 15th. The average amount of pounds of pollutants that are saved from going into our air is 60 pounds per car, each way!
Plant something! Plants help to remove toxins and pollutants from the air and replace it them with oxygen. Not to mention the added bonus that a plant's beauty adds.
Fill up your gas tank at night.
Avoid the urge to "top off" the gas tank. Spilled gas evaporates into our air and environment.
Try to run all of your errands in one trip.
Avoid mowing the lawn on Clean Air Alert Day (this may be called something else in your town). The only exception: an electric lawnmower.
Carpool. Even if it is not everyday. Any days you can carpool can be a big help to keep the air clean.
Install light sensors. You can save a large amount on your light bill. These sensors will keep lights off when a room is unoccupied.