How to Participate in Earth Day Activities and Help Save Our Environment
The first Earth Day was held in 1970 and reoccurs every year on April 22nd as an invitation for everyone to learn about, and participate in activities that promote the well-being of our planet.
Here are just a few ideas to put into practice to help save our environment on Earth Day and every day.
There are many different ways the Earth and all things living on it are being affected by the habits of modern human life. There are also many ways to reduce the destructive impact we have on our planet. For Earth Day, learn what you can do to take an active role that promotes better care for at least one thing that would improve Earth's environmental well-being.
Some simple ideas to get started with for Earth Day include:
Get in the habit of turning off lights, computers and appliances when they are not in use.
Replace standard light bulbs with energy efficient fluorescent bulbs to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Buy energy efficient household appliances and yard tools.
Switch from chemical-type cleaners to natural products like vinegar, baking soda, soap and water.
Keep your car tuned and leak-free and dispose of used motor oil and cooling fluids at designated recycling centers. Keep tires properly inflated.
Try using mass transit, carpooling, walking or riding a bike as often as possible.
Do not let the water run wastefully. Water the lawn in the early morning or late afternoon. Run washing machines and dish washers only when full. Repair leaky pipes, faucets and toilets.
Purchase products that contain recycled-content materials as often as possible.
Reduce the amount of plastic bags that pollute the environment by purchasing re-usable bags for your shopping. Any plastic bags you do get can be returned to the stores and placed in recycle bins, or you can reuse them for small garbage pail linings.
Get your children involved in Earth Day lessons, activities and habits. There are many ideas for childrens activities online, and in books that you can find at your library, that are very useful to educate and get children involved in Earth Day and habits to help save our environment.
You can promote Earth Day in your office by starting a recycling program one by setting out a recycling box for office paper. Paper that has only been printed on one side can be cut up and used as note paper. Also use blank backsides of envelopes that have already been mailed as note paper. Get rid of Styrofoam cups that don't decompose in landfills and suggest everyone bring in their own coffee cups for use.
At home, set up bins and recycle any plastics, cardboard (including packaged food boxes and toilet paper & paper towel rolls), aluminum, newspaper, tin/steel cans and glass products that your local recycling center will take. Reuse newspapers and shredded papers in the bottom of small animal cages or with mulch in gardens. Donate old household items and clothing to a local thrift store, pass on to others who may need it, adverstise to sell them or have a yard sale.
Have an Earth Day party! Remember to not use disposable dishes and paper napkins that pollute the environment. Send out electronic or person-to-person invitations, rather than paper ones. Present ideas for crafts, activities and discussions that involve caring for our planet.
Visit a nature center, get out in the wilderness, sit by a river, or even go to the park and enjoy the outdoors.
Learn about different species and their living environment, any dangers that pose a threat to their existence, and what you might be able to do to reduce those threats.
If you drive everywhere, choose an alternative form of transportation for the day, such as walking, carpooling, bicycling, or public transportation.
Participate in litter or a river cleanup, plant a tree or garden.