How to Reduce the Impact of Greenhouse Gases
Understand that reducing the impact of greenhouse gases can begin on an individual level. Start with your living space. Use a thermostat setting that reduces the use of energy year-round. Convert to passive energy, solar power, use cold settings in washing, hang clothes up to dry, use energy-efficient lighting, open drapes on sunny winter days to utilize the heat of the sun, close the drapes on hot summer days to block out the heat and reduce the use of air conditioning.
Keep greenhouse emissions to a minimum when maintaining a car. Keep tire pressure at recommended level, do a tune up at the recommended mileage, use the shortest distance to your destination and use an energy-efficient car. Or instead of a car, find alternative transportation. Walk or ride a bike.
Live an eco-friendly lifestyle. Use reusable containers for lunches and drinks. Conserve water by taking baths instead of showers. This reduces the need for fossil fuel for the power to heat. You can also wire your home for solar passive heating.
Know that beyond and individual level greenhouse gases can be impacted on a local level. Use public transportation for places you can't walk to, plant trees, and don't burn yard waste and recycle plastic, paper, and glass. Ask local stores to provide produce that is organic and with a low impact on the use of fuel. Buy from companies that have an environmental friendly policy. Use eco-friendly products. Buy local agricultural organic produce. According to the book "Vegetable, Mineral and Miracle," it is more energy efficient to buy locally.
Volunteer in your community. Participate in community garden, repair homes of others to improve their fuel efficiency, or establish a local recycling program. Promote the use of electricity created from renewable sources, such as wave, wind and solar power.
Reduce greenhouse gas impact by getting involved on a national level. Promote actions which enable eco-friendly incentives, such as for public transportation, renewable energy, recycling programs, energy-efficient buildings and transportation.