How to Recycle Plastic Bottle and Save the Environment
You need to remember that plastic does not go away it will sit in a field and never decompose and this can cause a lot of problems. Greenhouse Gas Emissions can be greatly improved when you recycle and the best part is you will be helping to improve the world we live in.
You will also save in many other ways as well such as oil because it takes oil to make those plastic bottles that we use. If instead of throwing them away so they can sit in a land field then you can reuse them and you will use less oil. This is a positive thing because there is only so much oil available to us.
We can also reduce green house gasses because it takes more energy to make new bottles from oil then to recycle old bottles. Make sure you have a place in your house that you designated as a bin that the recycled bottles go and this will make it easier for all of your family to get involved.
Remember that recycling is a crucial part of saving the world we live in and with making a few changes it is easy to start recycling. It is important to make it fun and get your whole family involved so that they will be making a difference.