How to Reduce Waste and Save Money
This article will show some ways to help you reduce waste and work to support and clean up our communities and the planet.
Instill the mantra of the "four R's" to society: Remember, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. It is important to understand that breaking old habits and learning new ways of behaving and changing our conditioned thought patterns can take a while, but it is possible. First, you have to make a conscious decision to start and then to continue to unlearn and relearn new ways about waste. Educating young children in the home and in our schools is so vitally important, since they are our future and will inherit the legacy that we will eventually leave behind.
RECYCLE, RECYCLE AND RECYCLE. Set up recycle bins or containers for specific types of disposables, e.g. plastic, paper, vegetable-based food wastes. Make it a habit to do this regularly and teach your kids to be role models for their peers. Good habits taught at a young age will last longer and be more effective. Take the recycled wastes or materials to the local recycling center where you can make some pocket cash as a reward for your efforts and energy in helping the planet.
REUSE, REUSE, REUSE whenever possible. Support local thrift shops, charities and non-profit organizations by making donations. Make an effort to "spring clean" your house on a regular basis and pack the items that you don't want anymore to donate. Save money by purchasing used clothing and toys for your kids at thrift shops. Toys and clothing can get very expensive, especially if you have several children to provide for. You can also save by giving your kids each other's hand-me-downs instead of purchasing everything new.
Help to conserve and preserve what is left of our forests and wildlife by eliminating unnecessary paper use and junk mail by paying bills electronically. Stop unwanted junk mail. Buy products from recycled materials or recycled containers.
Don't use plastic bags at the grocery store. Always ask for recycled brown bags when shopping--or better still--try to bring your own reusable bag with you every time you do your shopping.
Use biodegradable products like biodegradable diapers and biodegradable pet waste bags.