How to Recycle Sawdust as Natural Weed Killer
Collect sawdust. You can collect your own sawdust or look to a lumber yard or farm that sells bagged shavings. You can also find sellers of sawdust online from the Internet Hay Exchange (see Resources below). Ideally, you'll want to look for recycled shavings from walnut and cedar wood varieties.
Place a barrier over the weeds. You can choose several different types of materials, including black plastic sheeting, old newspapers, old carpeting and more. You can also choose to forgo the covering and simply mulch the area instead.
Cover the material with sawdust. You'll want to make a good even coating over the weeded area. You use your sawdust as mulch to suppress the weeds.
Contain the sawdust to certain areas. You don't want to cover your entire yard with sawdust as a way to kill weeds. Keep sawdust away from ornamental plants, shrubbery or trees, as it strips the soil of nitrogen and can kill your plant life.