How to Remove Xenoestrogens
Xenoestrogens are chemicals that provoke or mimic estrogen in the body. Examples of xenoestrogens include many insecticides and pesticides, certain chemicals used in the manufacturing of plastic, and even some food preservatives used to extend the shelf life of processed products. Recent research indicates that xenoestrogens can play a part in "precocious puberty," when puberty arrives extremely early in some children. Removing xenoestrogens from your life can have a strong, positive impact on your health. Here's how to remove xenoestrogens from your diet, your home and your life to improve your family's health and reduce exposure to dangerous chemicals.Instructions
Stop using insecticides, pesticides and chemical lawn-care products. You can find natural, non-xenoestrogenic replacements for these products. Most insecticides and pesticides have xenoestrogenic effects.
Stop eating any product that contains BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole). This is a common food preservative found in process foods, and it is a xenoestrogen.
Consider switching to organic meats. Many of the hormones used to help turkeys, pigs, chickens and cows grow bigger and faster (and produce more meat) include xenoestrogens. Organic meat does not. This can be a difficult step, as organic meat is extremely expensive compared to meat at traditional, mainstream grocery stores.
Don't heat any food in the microwave in a plastic bowl or with plastic wrap on it. Softer plastics leach xenoestrogens into the food. Use a glass bowl or container, or consider heating food in a stainless-steel pot on the stove top.
Avoid PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in paints and oils.
Avoid sunscreen that contains 4-MBC, a xenoestrogen.
Remove paraben-containing lotion from your routine.