How to Make Herbal Fire Starters
Things You'll Need
- Fibrous egg carton(s)
- Dried herbs (rosemary, lavender, mint, roses)
- Paraffin wax
- Double boiler
- Crayons (optional)
- Scissors
- Ribbon (optional)
Fill the small compartments of a fibrous egg carton half way with fragrant dried herbs, such as rosemary, lavender, mint or even rose petals. Make sure that the herbs are completely dry, and never use Styrofoam egg cartons. Once filled with herbs, push a pine cone firmly into in each compartment.
Melt paraffin wax in the top portion of a double boiler. As a general rule, you will need about a 1/2-inch-by-1/2-inch-block of wax for each pine cone; however, a little extra will not damage your herbal fire starters. You can use inexpensive candles, the ends of old candles, blocks of paraffin and even add old crayons for a touch of color. Stir the wax constantly as it melts.
Pour the melted wax evenly over your pine cones, making sure to keep the wax inside of the egg carton compartments, gluing the herbs and pine cones in place. If the wax cools, simple heat it again slightly until it easy to pour.
Allow the wax to cool completely and then carefully cut the egg carton into individual fire starters. If you like, you can tie a ribbon onto the top of each pine cone for added decoration.