How to Prevent Light Pollution
Diminish light coming from your house during the night. Try to do activities requiring a light during the day time, and use the night time for sleeping. If lights must be turned on, turn on fewer lights than usual and have thick, tight blinds on the windows to prevent the light from being seen from the outside of the house.
Tell your family and friends about light pollution and encourage them to get on board with helping prevent light pollution. If they help prevent light pollution and also tell their friends and families, then light pollution can be decreased.
Use 150W lamps for home security lighting. This will reduce the glare given off by regular 300W lights.
Consider turning porch lights off at night. Instead of security lighting, use an alarm system, instead.
Write a letter to the city council, proposing that they change the street lights. Floodlights can be pointed downward, and box design lights can be used instead of cobra head lights.