How to Reuse or Recycle Used Computers and Electronics in New York
Things You'll Need
- Old computers, printers, monitors, etc.
Get rid of all the information on your hard drive. Use a program specifically created to wipe your hard drive clean. This is an important step whether you plan on recycling or donating that old computer. See Resources section for programs.
Call up your local school board or the New York State Education Department and see if they need what you have. If you're donating a computer, make sure that it's at most five years old and in decent working condition. If you're donating, re-install the operating system after you wipe the hard drive.
Get in touch with your local places of worship. Again, make sure computers are less than five years old and have a working installation of an operating system. If they don't need the computer, they may be able to recommend individuals or other organizations that need the equipment.
Find and contact non-profit organizations that help those who need them find computers and other electronic devices. There are several non-profits in the NYC area: Per Scholas, Project PC Renew and Computers for Youth, just to name a few. For the rest of New York State, try the previous three steps first.
Locate a recycling center if your computer or peripheral is more than five years old or not in usable condition. New York City has city-wide recycling events during April and May, and you can probably locate recycling centers elsewhere. See Resources section for a web site to locate recycling centers near you.