How to Protect a Sand Dune From the Ocean
Protect the beach grass already in place. Keep off the grass if possible and try not to uproot any of the plants. The grass and other plants are important to the protection of the dunes from storms and the ocean.
Plant native vegetation on the sand dunes. Using native plants can help prevent erosion on the sand dunes. Beach grass, in particular, works well as it can be buried by sand and still survive.
Prevent as much human damage as you can. You may want to restrict digging in or sliding on the dunes as this can add to damage from the ocean. A sand dune without human damage will be in better shape to resist wind and water erosion.
Use sand from the ocean floor to rebuild the sand dunes. Some communities choose to dredge up sand from the water and place it on the dunes. As water carries sand, there are always some places loosing sand and others gaining sand at any one point in time.
Dispose of trash and hazardous materials safely. Pollutants and litter that end up in the ocean ultimately also affect the sand dunes. Ocean tides and storms can wash up litter onto the dunes, which can kill the beach grass and disrupt the fragile ecosystem.