How to Support Eco-Friendly Charities
Study the Green Providers Directory. This resource lists eco charities throughout the world. Visit local environmental charities that make a positive impact on the environment in your area.
Look for charities and programs, such as Ashley Judd's charity clothing line, which pay attention to green issues. Consider progressive organizations that fight hunger, such as OxFam, Action Aid and Action Hunger for some other eco-friendly organizations.
Visit eco-friendly charities' websites and start clicking around to help the company rack up advertising dollars. You can also find click-specific websites that ask "donors" to click ads on behalf of charities. Check out the environment section at to support eco-friendly charities by clicking.
Donate or volunteer for an eco-charity that you find worthwhile. Get in touch with the charity directly to find out what you can do to support the charity, including making phone calls, stuffing envelopes or reporting local environmental violations.