How to Use Gauze Around the House
Cut gauze into small pads around two inches square and use them to remove makeup at the end of the day. Gauze can also be used for applying astringent to your face.
Remove nail polish from your nails with gauze pads wet with nail polish remover. Use a dry piece of gauze to wipe nails after removing the polish.
Tie plants that need support using rolled gauze. The gauze is soft and will hold the delicate plant branches without injuring them as long as you do not tie it too tight.
Stretch rolled gauze out and use it to cover a small row of seeds planted in the garden in the spring. The gauze will allow the water and sun to get through to the seeds while protecting them from birds and insects until they germinate.
Make crafts using gauze. It's a great medium for use in children's crafts. It is lightweight and easy for young children to work with. Cut shapes out of the gauze and glue them onto paper or use the gauze to make ghosts and other objects to hang from the ceiling.
Wrap gauze around your finger and wet it. Use your gauze wrapped finger to clean your cat or dog's teeth.