How to Be Green With Little Effort
Start small. Replace burnt-out lightbulbs with "eco-friendly" bulbs or compact florescent bulbs. They last so much longer that they actually pay for themselves after about 500 hours of use. These bulbs emit less heat and lower your electric bills.
Unplug appliances that are not being used. They use electricity whenever they are plugged in even if you don't use them. Survey the house for items you rarely use, such as lamps in guest rooms, the toaster and all those cell phone chargers. Buy "smart" power strips that shut down when these items are not being used. When you leave town, unplug items or shut off your power strips.
Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth instead of just letting it run. Limit the length of your showers and lower the temperature of your hot water heater. Use the proper load size setting on the washing machine so you don't waste water. Make sure the dishwasher is full before running it. Set the timer on your yard sprinkler system so you don't water excessively. Put a small jug of water or a brick down your toilet tank to reduce the amount of water it takes to fill the tank with each flush. Fix drippy faucets. Add some weather stripping to door and window frames to keep out the weather.
Walk or ride a bike instead of taking the car. When it's cool, turn the air conditioning off in your car and open the windows. Drive the recommended speed limits. Ease on and off the gas to avoid using excess fuel. Plan your errands to avoid driving more than necessary.
Think about all the purchases you make for laundry soap and rinse. Once you have a large plastic container, buy the refills in paper cartons. When it's time to replace your appliances, shop for models that are energy efficient.
Use your dinner plates, glasses and flatware instead of disposable plates, cups and plastic ware, which pile up in landfills as trash. Pass on taking a plastic bag when you make a small purchase. Better yet, carry your own reusable canvas bags. Just toss them in your car when you do your regular grocery shopping.
Buy pump style hairsprays and cleaning products for your home. Avoid aerosol sprays. Learn to make your own cleaning products with naturally safe household items, such as white vinegar and baking sodas for cleaning products, instead of using aerosols with harmful chemicals.