How to Start a Church Recycling Program
Recycling is becoming a popular mission of the church. The whole idea is that the church is responsible for taking care of the earth that God created. One of the best ways to promote recycling among your congregation is to start a recycling program at your church. It's something that all of your members will be excited to take part in.Instructions
Volunteer to head up a committee. As the leader of the program, you can get support from people on church staff and in the congregation. When all areas of the church support your cause, you'll have a better chance of sustaining the program.
Get to know your trash. Before you can get too far, you need to know what you actually toss out. Some common items you can recycle are office paper, newspapers, cardboard boxes, printer cartridges, aluminum cans and plastic bottles.
Partner with a recycling company. They can provide you with any necessary containers and they will also pick up the recycling from your church.
Display recycling containers. Some may be as small as a paper bin next to desks and printers. And you might want to get the dumpster size units that can sit out in your parking lot. Prominently displaying these recycling bins inspires the congregation to take part.
Introduce your recycling program to your congregation. Your preacher could preach a message about protecting the environment or you could find other ways to market the new program. But it will be more successful if you take a special effort to make everyone aware that it exists.