How to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Reduce the amount of trash you throw away by buying responsibly. If you have to choose between two similar items, go with the one that uses less packaging. Try the concentrated laundry and dish detergents in smaller bottles rather than the watered down big bottles. Better yet, reduce the number of things you buy. Just buy smart.
Limit your use of hazardous substances like paint, cleaners and pesticides. Buy only what you need. When finished, dispose of the container properly, as it's too easy for these products to invade our soil or water.
Reuse containers instead of throwing them in the garbage can. Use washable cups instead of disposable ones or reuse plastic forks and spoons. Make bird feeders out of two-liter soda bottles. Also, think about buying rechargeable items and rechargeable batteries that allow you to reuse items repeatedly without contributing to waste.
Repair broken items instead of trashing them and buying something new. If you no longer want an item, give it to someone who can use it.
Recycle as much as possible. Recycling turns waste into useful resources. Good for you if recycle newspapers and soda cans, but did you know that people recycle cell phones, Christmas trees and tires as well?
Buy products or packaging made with recycled content. You can also "precycle" by buying products in easily recyclable packaging.
Support recycling programs in your community. Many communities offer recycling centers with bins for different items. Almost half of Americans benefit from curbside recycling where they can place aluminum, steel cans, plastic, glass and newspaper at the curbs for pick up.