How to Recycle Nail Polish
Label things with old nail polish such as clothing, sporting gear, containers in the freezer and even plant markers for your garden. Dry nail polish is water proof and long lasting.
Mark the temperature you are most comfortable at on your wall thermometer. It will be much easier to adjust your room heat if you have a bright colored nail polish marking on your optimal setting instead of having to read the small numbers.
Indicate containers that hold poisonous chemicals and cleaners with bright red nail polish. A red X on the lid will help prevent accidental use of something that could be harmful.
Seal an envelope. If you are using an envelope that has been around for awhile the glue might not be as good as it once was. Put a thin line of old nail polish on the inside of the flap before closing. Once dry the envelope will be permanently sealed. You can also use recycled nail polish as a variation of the old fashioned wax sealers. Make your initial or some other design over the top of the closed flap.
Waterproof with clear nail polish. A coat of clear polish over prescription bottle labels will keep them from smudging so dosage can be read. It is also great for waterproofing addresses on envelopes in case it rains while your mail is in transit.
Rust proof the bottom of metal cans, such as shaving cream, before putting them into your shower or medicine cabinet. A coat of recycled nail polish on the bottom of the can will prevent them from leaving rust circles in your bathroom.
Tarnish-proof costume jewelry with clear nail polish to keep it looking beautiful.