How to Help Endangered Sharks
Support conservation efforts. Groups like Sharklife Conservation and Conservation International strive to protect and save endangered sharks. Every donation is important, and no amount is too small. Throw your extra change in a coffee can and watch it add up to a great donation for a worthy cause.
Send letters to your State Representatives. It is the responsibility of Congress to help protect the Endangered Species Act, as well as any future amendments to it. Speak your mind and let them know how you feel about endangered sharks, and how crucial they are to the environment. Your representatives can make a difference in the help these sharks receive. Your voice is important.
Bring awareness to your community. Learn all you can about endangered shark species so you can educate others. Remember that children are the conservationists of tomorrow. Offer to share your knowledge about endangered sharks with a day care, scout troop or an elementary class.
Write a letter to your local newspaper. Outline your concerns and point out how important sharks are to ocean ecology. Create and print your own "I love sharks" bumper stickers and T-shirt transfers. The more public awareness created, the better.
Avoid purchasing products made from sharks. Shark leather, trophy teeth, and seafood such as shark fin soup all create a retail demand for products from this rapidly diminishing species. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.