How to Protect Wetlands From Pollution

According to the EPA, everyone lives in a watershed. So no matter where you are, the water runoff from your activities at home can end up in the local wetlands. These wetlands are crucial to our environment; they provide everything from our drinking water to habitats for wildlife. Since we all need water to survive, protecting our wetlands from pollution is everyone's responsibility.


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      Practice "green" landscaping in your yard and around your home. Using plants that are native to your area in your garden helps preserve wetlands even if you don't live near a lake. These plants have adapted to the soil and climate and don't need extra fertilizers or watering. They also have developed defenses against common pests, so they don't need pesticides. Native plants won't choke out other native plants, and they'll attract the birds and other wildlife found in your area.

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      Pick up after your dog and dispose of waste properly. Seal it in plastic bags and throw it away. Avoid letting it wash away as runoff where it will decompose and contaminate wetlands. Scoop litter boxes and flush your cat's feces.

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      Conserve water. Not only will you protect wetlands, you'll also save money. Fix leaky toilets, take short showers instead of baths, water your plants with collected rainwater, wash only full loads of clothes and run the dishwasher only when you can't fit another spoon it it.

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      Compost food waste. This provides organic fertilizer and helps you limit the use of your garbage disposal (which needs water to work properly).

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      Limit your use of products that create "household hazardous waste." These products include many cleaners, paints, batteries and pesticides. Remnants of products inside these containers will eventually end up in a wetland after they travel with the runoff. These chemicals can be harmful to plants and wildlife that depend on these habitats.

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