How to Dispose Electronics
Categorize your outdated and unused electronic junk. Store all electronic items separately.
Look on the Internet to learn more on how to send your CRTs to the nearest recycling center. Companies such as Dell and HP now offer discounts on new equipment when you bring in your old PC and monitor to their recycling outlet.
Dispose of other small items such as cell phones and palm organizers carefully. Visit the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation Web site. Drop off your batteries at their collection centers. Choose from over 30,000 locations in the U.S. Perform a zip code search to find the nearest outlet.
Look out for recycling events regularly conducted by big retailers such as Best Buys and Staples. You can drop all your outdated electronics from TVs to hairdryers at these outlets for recycling.
Have a professional recycling and disposal company pick up your electronic items. You may have to pay a nominal fee depending on the weight and size of the items for pick-up and transport. Mail in a shipment as a cheaper option.
Visit Web sites of organizations in the recycling industry. The Environmental Protection Agency site has a state-by-state waste management program. At the Earth 911 site, choose electronic items for a list of places, by city and states, where you can recycle or donate. Search the detailed database on organizations that offer low-cost refurbished products along with key disposal info on TechSoup Web site. Use the zip code feature.
Learn more about the Wireless Foundation to dispose of cell phones and other wireless devices. All items are refurbished for reuse or are donated to the victims of domestic violence and to people with disability to make emergency calls. Visit the Dell partner National Recycling Coalition which accepts used computers in cities across the U.S.
Find from the state guide of the Electronics Industries Alliance detailed listings of recycling programs across the U.S.
Ask your local municipal body about their recycling programs. Many accept electronics waste through their disposal programs at their drop-off centers.