Occupational Risks for Guitar Posture
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Due to constant use of the wrists when strumming a guitar, guitarists are at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition is caused by pressure and irritation of the median nerve which is located in the wrist. The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include a feeling of numbness and tingling in the fingers. Treatment ranges from frequent resting of the hands to surgery in severe cases.
Back Pain
Back pain is an occupational risk associated with playing the guitar. Because of the stance or sitting position you have to take when playing your instrument, you can end up with back pain. Slumping while holding the guitar can lead to shooting pain and less flexibility in the back. Back pain is treated by adequate rest, proper posture, pain relievers and physical therapy when recommended by a physician.
Neck Pain
As a guitarist, you are at risk of developing neck pain as a result of tension in the neck muscles. Hanging a guitar around your neck and shoulders puts a strain on the muscles in this region which could become sore over extended periods of playing. Neck pain can be managed by taking a break from guitar playing for a while. You can also take pain medication and get a massage to relieve the pain.
Finger and Thumb Injuries
The repetitive use of the fingers and thumbs to string your guitar can cause trigger finger. This is a condition that restricts movement of your fingers as a result of the tendons being strained. Symptoms of trigger finger include swelling, a lump in the palm area, pain, stiffness and a popping sound in the finger joints. Trigger finger is remedied by the use of anti inflammatory medication, steroid injections and resting the fingers. In extreme cases where movement of the fingers is impossible, surgery may be necessary to correct the problem.