Grab Bar Installation Code Requirements
Draw up your plans for the installation of your grab bars. In the area around the toilet, measure the width and mark the height at which the bar will be installed. Remove any obstacles from the floor that would prevent you from bringing a wheelchair or walking assistive device up to the grab bar. Plan the placement of grab bars next to the tub as well. If possible, plan to install grab bars directly into wall studs.
Purchase grab bars that are 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter to provide a functional gripping surface. A textured surface if available will provide a more secure grasp. Consider grab bars that are the maximum length that will fit in the desired space as this will provide you with more options for positioning yourself during a transfer onto or off the toilet. Purchase vertical or horizontal grab bars for your shower based on your functional needs. Choose fasteners that are tested to withstand a minimum of 250 pounds of force.
Leave 1 1/2 inch clearance between the bar and the wall. Install vertical or horizontal shower grab bars on the short wall where the shower fixtures are located. This will assist your balance as you turn on the faucets and step into the shower. Install a horizontal grab bar along the wall side of the tub at a height of approximately three feet to assist your balance while washing and to provide leverage if you are standing up from a sitting position in the tub. Install grab bars around the toilet area near waist height for assistance in maneuvering onto and off of the toilet. If wall space is available install grab bars on both sides of the toilet to allow the use of both hands in a functional position. Ensure that grab bars are secure and not rotating prior to use.