How to Attach a Foam Cushion to Wheelchair Legs
Obtain a foam cushion that is designed to be used as a wheelchair leg pad from a drugstore or geriatric care provider. The cushion must have straps that are securely attached. It must also be rigid underneath to support the person's feet, but padded on the outside where it contacts the person's legs.
Unfold the wheelchair and snap it securely open.
Set the wheelchair brake, so the wheelchair remains stable as you apply the foam cushion to the legs of the wheelchair.
Pull the footrests open, if they are manually operated. Place the foam cushion on the poles that connect the footrests to the wheelchair.
Put the cushion across the footrest support bars, which are vertical and parallel. Make sure the padded side is facing out.
Position the cushion so the bottom of the cushion just skims the top of the wheelchair foot rests. Make sure it is even on both sides.
Bring the straps of the foam cushion around the footrest support bars and buckle the straps behind the foam cushion.
Pull the loose end of the buckle through the strap to secure it snugly.
Move the person who will use the wheelchair into the chair, making sure the foam cushion is comfortable for him. Adjust the cushion as necessary.