Safety in Motion Training
Company Goals
Safety in Motion teaches its clients the proper ways to carry themselves and how to train their bodies to react to certain situations to reduce, or preferably eliminate, strains, sprains, broken bones and any kind of tissue damage. Three of their main course offerings include SIM3, SIM4 and Office Plus.
SIM3 teaches employees who work in highly physical jobs the safety basics on lifting, reaching and correct wrist motions. The course also covers proper balance, effective distribution of weight and foot positioning.
Office Plus
Office Plus training is aimed at employees who spend the majority of their time behind a desk. The class stresses reaching, lifting and carrying techniques as well as neck and lumbar alignment. It also teaches its clients efficient office setup to reduce muscle strain or fatigue.
SIM4 is Safety in Motion's latest course addition, with online features such as 3D safety training animation, global sharing of safety applications and lessons for day-to-day safety measures.