How to Prevent Strains & Sprains
Improperly maintained equipment can cause strains and sprains. Lift correctly. Don't lift things that are too heavy for you. Break loads down into more manageable parts, get help from others or use mechanical devices to move heavy loads recommends The State Fund. Bend your knees to lift rather than using your back. Carry loads close to your body and don't twist from the waist. Be sure that equipment you use is working correctly and watch where you walk warns the EHSC.
Stretch often throughout the day. Change your working position often. Switch tasks so you're not performing the same movement in the same way for long periods. Adjust the height of your work surface or chair so you're not slumping or overreaching. Stretch throughout the day.
Keep physically fit. Eat right, exercise and get enough rest when you're not at work. The State Fund reports that if you aren't physically fit, you're more susceptible to strains and sprains.
Teamwork can reduce injury and improve productivity. Start an ergonomics program at your workplace. Your employer may be interested in a program that prevents strains and sprains because it will reduce work absences and improve productivity. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) reports that an ergonomics program includes collecting information on how things are done and what injuries are common, ergonomic awareness and task-training, equipment and environment changes, and alterations in job tasks and job rotations.