Proper Ergonomic Posture
Hands and Arms
To avoid repetitive strain injury to your hands and arms, you should always work with your wrists straight, your arms at your sides and your shoulders relaxed. Arrange your workstation so that every item you commonly use is within reach and on the same level, and consider using a wrist support for your keyboard and mouse.
Back and Shoulders
Sitting in a slouching position will eventually lead to back and neck pain. Position your monitor in a way that prevents you from having to lean forward or crane your neck into an uncomfortable position to be able to read text on it. Invest in an adjustable chair with a full-height backrest, and ensure you are sitting comfortably and without slouching.
Eyes and Vision
While it is unlikely that using a computer for extended periods of time will cause permanent eye damage, you may find yourself suffering from visual discomfort or headaches. Place your monitor at a comfortable distance and just below eye level. Ensure there is no glare on your monitor from windows or overhead lights. Look away from the screen every now and then to rest your eyes.