Foot Problems Associated With Safety Footwear
Proper Size
The old saying "if the shoe fits, wear it" is directly applicable. The first premise is you must have your feet professionally measured with a shoe gage. This includes measuring both the length and the width. Lengths are measured in half sizes, such as 8, 8 1/2, 9, 9 1/2, 10, all the way up to size 15. Lengths over 15 are usually specially made. Width is all important too. The width scale is A, B, C, D, E, EE, EEE progressing from narrow to wide. Shoes over EEE are usually custom made. If you guess at your shoe size, your safety shoe will not fit correctly, and this leads to a world of problems by a shoe being too tight or too loose. Bear in mind most people's feet are not the same size, so both your feet have to measured, to obtain the larger size. Shoes will be fitted to the larger size.
Safety footwear usually have a steel toe and steel plates in the instep area. These shoes, by nature, are not very flexible. If the shoe is incorrectly sized, the steel plates and toe will start to cut into your feet, leading to chafing.This is a very uncomfortable condition, to the point that you will not be able to stand on your feet.
Shoes Too Tight
Foot specialists at the University of Rochester state that too tight a shoe leads to neuromas, corns, calluses, blisters, and hammertoes. This is debilitating to a person who works on their feet. The specialists recommend a shoe that you can wiggle your toes in. Do not think that a work shoe will "stretch out" as you wear it, since the steel toe will prevent stretching. Obtain a new shoe that allows you to wiggle your toes
Shoes too loose
You may have a wide foot, and buy a shoe too long to compensate for the width. This is wrong. If your foot flops around in the hard sided shoe, the constant rubbing will chafe your feet. The only way to temporarily correct this is by putting a soft insert in the heel area or on the insoles. However, the only correct solution is to obtain proper fitting work shoes in the first place.
Sore Legs
Safety footwear, by nature, are heavier than street shoes because of the weight of the steel and thicker materials used. Unfortunately, this is just the nature of the beast. When you first wear them, your legs will be sore at the end of the day due to the increased weight. You have to strengthen your legs by exercising and over time the soreness will go away somewhat.