How to Set Up Your Work Space Ergonomically
Things You'll Need
- Ergonomic Footrest
- Antiglare Computer Screens
- Headphones
- Ergonomic Chairs
- Ergonomic Gloves
Set up your computer so that you are an arm's length from the screen. The monitor should be at or below eye level to help prevent eye fatigue.
Use an adjustable table for proper monitor and keyboard height. Setting your monitor on top of the hard drive works well to raise it.
Attach a document holder to the computer screen to minimize neck and eye strain.
Purchase a headset if you are on the phone frequently. This enables you to write or use your computer while on the phone without putting stress on your neck.
Get an adjustable chair so you can swivel and move across the floor easily.
Adjust lighting so there is minimal glare in your work area. Turn off overhead lights and use task lights in your immediate work area. Close blinds or curtains to minimize glare.
Attach a glare screen to your computer to reduce eye strain.
Clear your immediate work area of any supplies or objects so that you can move about freely without touching or bumping into things.
Remove from your desk any papers, books or supplies that you do not use daily. These can be stored in drawers, files, or other places that won't interfere with your work area.