How to Set Up Wall Suctioning

A wall suction unit is used to remove mucus or fluid from your patient’s lungs. This unit can be connected to the wall via a plug socket for portable use or installed directly in the wall, making it stationary. Wall suctioning units sometimes are called aspirators or smoke evacuation units. Most hospital and emergency rooms contain these units. Setting up the wall suction unit correctly can help save your patient's life.

Things You'll Need

  • Sterile gloves
  • 50 mL sterile water or saline
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    • 1

      Wash your hands thoroughly. Put on sterilized gloves and remove the non-sterile outer protective bag.

    • 2

      Follow your hospital’s protocol in opening the atrium chest drains. They are wrapped in a few layers of CSR wrap.

    • 3

      Follow your hospital’s protocol for the type of water needed for the ATS applications. You’ll need 50 mL of sterile water for this application. The Atrium Med manual recommends using sterile saline for ATS applications.

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      Slide the floor stand out to the left. This opens the floor stand for set up.

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      Move the patient tube clamp to the chest drain. This is located next to the in-line connector. This step is necessary only for suction models containing an in-line connector.

    • 6

      Put 45 mL of sterile water or sterile saline in the suction port of the drain. If your model has a sterile fluid bottle, remove the top by twisting it and insert the tip of the suction port into the tube.

    • 7

      Squeeze out the water or saline until the fluid line reaches 2 cm. The water will turn tinted blue once filled. This will help you observe for any leaks of air.

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