How to Get Mace Off Your Face & Chest
Things You'll Need
- Washing machine
- Dishwashing liquid
- Washcloths or paper towels
- Whole milk
- Small bowl
- 1/2 cup baking soda
- 1 cup vinegar
Dishwashing Liquid Method
Remove any clothing that has come into contact with the mace since you do not want to recontaminate yourself. Throw the clothing in the washer to soak. Later, wash with warm or hot water, according to the directions on your garment.
Use dishwashing liquid to scrub your hands and arms repeatedly, then rinse well with water. You do not want to make your condition worse from mace on your hands.
Soak a washcloth or paper towel in whole milk, and apply it to your face and chest to alleviate the burning. When the burning lessens, remove the washcloth and rinse your face with cold water.
Soak a washcloth that is 25 percent dishwashing liquid and 75 percent water, and apply it to your face and chest. Gently pat your face with the washcloth, leaving it to rest on your face and chest for a few minutes before rinsing your face and chest with cold water. This should cut through the mace oil left on your skin.
Vinegar and Baking Soda Method
Follow Steps 1 through 3 from the dishwashing method.
Make a vinegar mixture. In a small bowl, mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1/2 cup of baking soda. Soak one or two washcloths in the mixture.
Apply the washcloths to your face and chest. Pat your face with the mixture, as rubbing may cause irritation, then let the cloths rest on the infected areas of your face and chest for a few minutes before rinsing off with cold water.