Types of Sterile Gauze
Conforming Gauze Rolls
People use sterile conforming stretch bandages to hold wound dressings in place. These bandages stick to themselves, so there is no need to use medical tape. Conforming bandages are durable and do not unravel easily. This type of bandage works well when a wound is located on an awkward part of the body. It will stay in place until you change the bandage.
Sterile Gauze Pads
Gauze pads come in many sizes and serve a variety of purposes. People use gauze pads soaked in soap and water to clean cuts and scrapes, and holding a gauze pad against a wound will help stop bleeding. Doctors recommend gauze pads as dressings for some wounds, applied with medical tape to hold them in place.
Gauze Sponges
Doctors use sterile gauze sponges to absorb blood during surgical procedures. Dentists use gauze sponges to absorb blood and saliva while pulling or removing teeth. People who have had teeth pulled can bite down on sterile gauze sponges to put pressure on the tooth socket and stop the bleeding.
Sterile Gauze Swabs
Gauze swabs can clean dirty or infected wounds. The softness of gauze swabs makes cleaning infected wounds more comfortable for the individual. Doctors use gauze swabs to soak up blood during surgical procedures and also as dressings for minor surgical procedures or for minor cuts and scrapes.
Bordered Gauze
Sterile bordered gauze works well as a dressing for wounds. Doctors recommend the use of bordered gauze as a dressing for small cuts and wounds caused by surgical procedures. The gauze has a covering and an adhesive border, and it sticks to the skin around the wounded area. The covering helps keep topical solutions from absorbing through the gauze. Bordered gauze comes in a variety of sizes.