The Things EMTs Should Always Carry With Them
A few of the most important tools for an EMT to always carry include a stethoscope, a pen light, shears and a hospital pager. The stethoscope is a necessity as an EMT will have to check for beating hearts and heart rates at just about every accident scene. A pen light assists EMTs in examinations and is therefore necessary to have at all times. EMTs often need shears to cut through tough bandages, tape or clothing. Lastly, the hospital pager lets you know when and where you are needed, so it should never leave your side.
Generic cloth bandages are extremely useful because of their versatility. As the existing variety of bandages is almost endless, EMTs are recommended to carry multipurpose cloth bandages. Whereas specialized bandages exist for about any scrape, dressing or occasion, a generic cloth bandage can be used to do just about anything, from wrapping a splint to dressing a wound. Tourniquets are also important to carry because they prevent severe blood loss in the aftermath of an accident. They are typically made of rubber or cloth, and are used to stop bleeding.
An EMT should always carry a copy of his EMT certification in case he is ever questioned by police or bystanders. Most EMTs will not be asked to show a paper copy of their valid certification very often, but it's easy to carry in your wallet and will at times be necessary if questioned.
Additional Supplies
Gel ice packs are convenient and effective. Pocket masks are portable devices used to resuscitate a person during cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest. These small CPR masks are used by exhaling into the mouthpiece, administering filtered air into the lungs of the patient. Gel ice packs should also be carried because they can be used to alleviate the pain of minor injuries. Vinyl gloves should be carried at all times by all EMTs as a sanitation measure. Every time an open wound is dressed or an EMT is exposed to blood, vinyl gloves should be worn as to avoid all skin contact.