If you have just responded an emergency with AED involving a 7 year check the child and find no sign of life what should first to prepare aed for use?
1. Safety Check:
- Ensure the scene is safe for both yourself and the child.
2. Position the Child:
- Gently lay the child on a flat, stable surface.
3. Open Airway:
- Check if the child's airway is clear. If there are any obstructions, gently remove them.
4. CPR (if necessary):
- If the child is not breathing, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) according to guidelines provided by a certified instructor or relevant medical authorities.
5. AED Preparation:
- Once you have confirmed that the child is not responsive and not breathing, you can prepare the AED for use.
6. Turn On the AED:
- Power on the AED by pressing the designated button. The AED will provide voice prompts to guide you through the process.
7. Attach Electrode Pads:
- Open the electrode pads package and remove the pads.
- Attach the electrode pads to the child's chest as indicated on the AED's voice prompts or visual instructions. Ensure the pads are firmly in place.
8. Clear the Area:
- Make sure no one is touching the child or the AED while it is analyzing the child's heart rhythm.
9. Analyzing Heart Rhythm:
- The AED will analyze the child's heart rhythm to determine if a shock is needed.
10. Follow AED Prompts:
- If the AED advises a shock, listen carefully to the voice prompts and follow the instructions it provides.
11. Stand Clear and Observe:
- When prompted by the AED, stand clear and do not touch the child or the AED until it completes its analysis or delivers a shock if needed.
12. Continue CPR (if advised):
- If the AED does not advise a shock, or if a shock has been delivered, the AED may prompt you to continue CPR for a specified duration before re-analyzing the child's heart rhythm. Follow the AED's instructions.
Remember, every second counts in an emergency situation. Ensure that you are familiar with the AED and have received proper training on how to use it correctly. If you're not trained or uncertain, seek help from a trained individual or emergency medical personnel immediately.