What is the immediate first aid during head injury?
1. Stay Calm: Remain calm and reassured. Panicking can make the situation worse.
2. Assess Responsiveness: Gently shake the person and shout, "Are you okay?" If they don't respond or are unconscious, call for emergency help (911 or your local emergency number) immediately.
3. Control Bleeding: If there is bleeding from a scalp wound, apply pressure with a clean cloth to stop it.
4. Position the Person: If they're conscious and breathing normally but dazed or confused, gently place them in a comfortable position, usually lying on their side (recovery position) to allow for easy breathing.
5. Monitor Breathing and Pulse: Keep a close eye on their breathing and pulse while waiting for help to arrive. If breathing becomes labored or stops, start CPR.
6. Keep Them Awake: If the person is unconscious, try to keep them awake by talking to them, giving simple commands, or lightly pinching their earlobe.
7. Head and Neck Immobilization: If the head injury is severe (such as a deep wound, fractured skull, or spinal injury), try to minimize further movement by gently stabilizing the head and neck.
8. Minimize Stimulation: Avoid unnecessary stimuli like bright lights or loud noises, which can worsen symptoms like headache, nausea, or confusion.
9. Elevate Legs: If the person is conscious and there are no signs of neck or spine injury, elevate their legs about 12 inches to improve blood flow to the brain.
10. Don't Move Them: Unless absolutely necessary, avoid moving the person, especially if there's a chance of a spinal injury. Wait for medical professionals to arrive and properly assess the situation.
11. Keep Record: Note any changes in their condition, such as consciousness, speech, pupil dilation, nausea, or vomiting. Inform medical professionals upon arrival.
Remember that head injuries can be severe, and waiting for professional medical care is essential. Even if the injury seems minor, it's important to seek medical evaluation for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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