Which is the first aid for open pnuemothorax?
1. Immediately cover the wound with a sterile dressing or clean cloth. This will help to prevent air from entering the chest and causing further collapse of the lung.
2. Apply pressure to the dressing with your hand. This will help to keep the dressing in place and prevent air from leaking in.
3. Secure the dressing with tape or a bandage. This will help to keep the dressing in place and prevent it from slipping off.
4. Tape 3 sides of the dressing, leaving the bottom open for air to come and go out**.
5. Elevate the person’s head and shoulders. This will help to improve breathing.
6. Give the person oxygen if available. This can be done by having the person wear an oxygen mask or by using a manual resuscitator.
7. Transport the person to the nearest emergency department immediately. This is a serious medical condition that requires prompt medical attention.