What is the immediate first aid to be done at home for a vasovagal attack?
1. Safety First: Ensure the person's safety by moving them to a safe area, away from any potential hazards or obstacles.
2. Lay Them Down: Gently help the person lie down on their back, with their head slightly elevated. This helps improve blood flow to the brain.
3. Loosen Tight Clothing: If their clothes are tight around the neck or waist, loosen them to allow for better breathing and circulation.
4. Elevate Their Legs: If possible, elevate the person's legs above their heart. This helps increase blood flow to the brain.
5. Provide Fresh Air: Open windows or doors to allow fresh air to circulate, helping prevent feelings of suffocation.
6. Cool Compress: Apply a cool compress or ice pack to the person's forehead and neck to help stimulate circulation.
7. Aromatherapy: Gently waft a strong scent like rubbing alcohol or smelling salts under their nose. This may help bring them out of the attack.
8. Stay Calm and Reassure: Stay with the person and calmly reassure them that they will be okay. Encourage them to breathe slowly and deeply.
9. Monitor Breathing: Keep an eye on their breathing and pulse to ensure they are coming around. If they don't improve after a few minutes or if breathing/pulse becomes irregular, seek medical help immediately.
10. Recovery Position: Once they regain consciousness, help them stay in the recovery position (on their side) until they feel better.
11. Hydrate: After the attack, offer them fluids like water or electrolyte drinks.
12. Rest: Allow them to rest and recover until they feel well enough to resume normal activities.
13. Seek Medical Attention: If vasovagal attacks become frequent, it's essential to see a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment to prevent future episodes.
Remember that a vasovagal attack typically lasts a few minutes, but if the person doesn't recover quickly, or if they experience any unusual or concerning symptoms, seek medical attention promptly.