List the emergency first aid action they are allowed to carry out?
Emergency First Aid responders are trained to carry out a variety of first aid actions in order to provide immediate care to patients in emergency situations. These actions include:
* Assessing the scene and ensuring safety for both the patient and the responder.
* Activating the emergency medical system (EMS) by calling 911 or the appropriate local emergency number.
* Providing basic life support, such as CPR and defibrillation.
* Controlling bleeding by applying direct pressure, elevation, and/or a pressure bandage.
* Treating burns by cooling with cool water, covering with a clean cloth, and elevating the burned area.
* Splinting fractures to immobilize the injured area and prevent further damage.
* Applying cold compresses to reduce pain and swelling from minor injuries.
* Providing emotional support to the patient and their family during a difficult time.
Emergency First Aid responders are trained to perform these actions quickly and effectively in order to minimize the risk of further injury and to improve the patient's chances of survival.