What are the 6 aims and odjectives of first aid?
The six aims and objectives of first aid are:
1. Preserve Life: The primary goal of first aid is to protect and preserve life, taking immediate steps to prevent further harm and stabilize the person's condition until medical help arrives.
2. Prevent Further Injury: First aid focuses on preventing additional harm or complications to the person's condition by providing immediate and effective care to minimize the severity of the situation.
3. Promote Recovery: First aid aims to initiate basic medical care and procedures that can help in the healing and recovery process. This includes providing comfort and support to the person in distress.
4. Reduce Pain and Suffering: Alleviating pain and discomfort is a crucial objective of first aid. Whether it's through pain management techniques, splinting, applying compression, or providing emotional support, first aid interventions aim to minimize suffering.
5. Psychological Care: First aid often extends beyond physical care to include psychological support. This involves providing reassurance, emotional comfort, and assisting with anxiety and stress that can accompany medical emergencies.
6. Prepare for Medical Services: First aid measures aim to prepare the injured or ill individual for subsequent medical care. This may involve maintaining vital functions until professional medical assistance arrives, stabilizing injuries, or providing information to emergency responders.